Networking is central to our mission to create an industry centric event.
In a world of exponential technology and social media, face-to-face cannot be beaten for learning and doing business.
Its encounters with colleagues, peers and prospects that set Future of Payments Summit aside from other shows in the market.
Our audience are vetted to ensure the quality of connections is as high as possible.
The venue and experience is expansive yet intimate – an event large enough to attract the leading global minds but intimate enough to be able to meet them and connect.
Join us for drinks and candid conversation in a relaxed environment outside of the bustle of the main event. Taking place immediately after the show at 5.30pm this is an excellent opportunity for attendees to debate questions raised earlier in the day and re-connect with colleagues and peers.
An intimate catered area for attendees to connect with our most senior contributors. Where speakers meet before they take to the stage and where VIPs can arrange to meet customers and prospects or simply catch-up on emails.
Connect with fellow attendee’s pre-show, onsite or post-event to maximise your time and investment in Future of Payments Summit.
Hosted by captains of industry, deep-dive into the topics that really matter at Future of Payments Summit. 40 minute long chaired discussions alongside fellow attendees and industry leaders. Contribute fully or sit back and digest.
Work with us to profile you audience and make the connections for you onsite. With direct access to all our attendees, speakers and sponsors together with a wider invitational guest list, plug in to our knowledge, experience and network to maximise your time and meet those attendees that will have most influence on how your business moves forward.
Look out for the Future of Payments meetup programme. Throughout the show we will provide opportunities to meet and engage with groups of like-minded individuals based around specific topics and job roles. An excellent and informal way to spark a conversation with those searching for similar answers as you.