Founder and Managing Director, The Banking Scene, Shopping Cart Ecommerce Technologies, Development
Rik Coeckelbergs is the founder of The Banking Scene, a network organisation for bankers. He is passionate about building communities and conceptualizing ideas, enabling sustainable business models. In 2009, he created a LinkedIn community “Innovation In Payments” which today has 25,000 active global members.
Prior to his current position, he had several roles in the financial services and in the retail industry. This unique mix of multi-year experiences in Finance, Strategy and Marketing within Financial Services and Retail, has given Rik a holistic view of today’s challenging financial services market. At the same time, he has this hands-on approach that allows to tackle critical challenges and put dilemmas into the right context.
His passion for Open Banking resulted in the Open Banking Interviews, a series of interviews with bankers worldwide that started in June 2019. These personal interviews provided a more personal and tangible story on Open Banking, from the perspective from